The organizers of #TacoTrucksAtEveryMosque are trying to gather Latinos and Muslims to break their Ramadan fast together. (Photo: Steven Georges )
 The organizers of #TacoTrucksAtEveryMosque are trying to gather Latinos and Muslims to break their Ramadan fast together. (Photo: Steven Georges )

#TacoTrucksAtEveryMosque: Bringing Latinos and Muslims together.


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In Orange County, California, the celebration of Ramadan has become an excuse to unite Muslim and Latino communities, two minority groups that under the Trump administration are suffering more social discrimination. 

On Saturday night, after a whole day of fasting, Muslims  joined their  Hispanic neighbors at the Islamic Center of Santa Ana parking lot to enjoy delicious tacos served by the organizers of Taco Trucks at Every Mosque.

The aim of this campaign is “to demystify Islam through the sharing of food and to unite two groups, Muslims and Latinos, facing increasing discrimination in the Trump era,” as reported in the Los Angeles Times.

During the month of Ramadan, taco trucks will serve halal tacos at every mosque in Orange County and will raise funds to pay for these tortilla treats.

The organizers of the event, Rida Hamida, a Palestinian-American, and Benjamin Vazquez, an educator from Orange County,  expect to “highlight faith and reduce the risk of anti-Muslim attacks and other racist acts in the neighbourhood” . For the last year, they have been working on bringing Muslim and Latino communitites together through storytelling and food, as reported in The Orange County Register.