The iconic murals of Casa Aztlán, in Chicago, have been whitewashed this week ahead of the redevelopment of the building into luxury apartments. (photo: Pilsen Alliance, via CityLabs)
The iconic murals of Casa Aztlán, in Chicago, have been whitewashed this week ahead of the redevelopment of the building into luxury apartments. (photo: Pilsen Alliance, via CityLabs)

Chicago says "bye" to iconic Latino murals


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The Latino community of Chicago was proud to have Casa Aztlán, a community organization that served the Hispanic for decades. But they will soon have to say "bye" to this emblematic institution in Pilsen neighborhood, as a group of investors purchased the building to construct luxury apartments. 

The walls of Casa Aztlán used to be decorated with colorful murals, which have now been whitewashed, as reported in City Labs. 

The neighborhood used to be a Latino enclave, but prices of apartments are rising, forcing low income residents to move out.

Most of the murals were painted by the Chicago Mural Group (now known as the Chicago Public Art Group) in 1971. In addition to the icons of the Chicano community, the paintings blended pre-Colombian styles with portraits of contemporary Pilsen residents, as reported in City Labs.