One out of three want to leave PA

More than one out of three residents surveyed by Gallup said that they would move out of Pennsylvania if they had the chance. 


More than one out of three Pennsylvanians want to move to another state, according to a Gallup poll released this week.

Of Pennsylvanians surveyed, 37 percent said that they would like to move to another state while the majority, 62 percent, said they would rather remain. However, just 9 percent said that it was likely that they would move sometimes in the next year. 

Illinois, Connecticut and Maryland had the highest percentage of residents who said that they wanted to move out of state—nearly half the the state's population. Montana, Hawaii and Maine had the lowest percentages of people who wanted to move at 23 percent each. Nevada, Illinois and Arizona could be in trouble—nearly one fifth of each states' populations said that it was likely that they would move in the next year. 

According to migration patterns that a moving company reported last year, the states who are welcoming the most residents are Texas, the Carolinas, South Dakota, Oregon and Nevada. 

On average, the most popular reasons people cited for planning to move were for a job, to be closer to family or friends and to escape bad weather and be in a new location.