AL DÍA Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & CEO Hernán Guaracao sits down with Elisabeth Perez-Luna, Sara Lomax-Reese, Michael Days, and Sandra Clark for a conversation on diversity in local news media.
AL DÍA Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & CEO Hernán Guaracao sits down with Elisabeth Perez-Luna, Sara Lomax-Reese, Michael Days, and Sandra Clark for a conversation on diversity in local news media.

AL DÍA RoundTableTALKS: Media and the City


Internet: ¿en riesgo?

Diez asuntos clave para 2025

¿Dónde está la plata?

Sobrerreacción en las bolsas

¡La FED lo vuelve a hacer!

¡Deportaciones masivas!

El misterio de los drones

¿Dinero más barato?



In the premiere episode of AL DÍA RoundTableTALKS, AL DÍA Founder, Editor-in-Chief, & CEO Hernán Guaracao speaks with leading figures at the forefront of the movement for more inclusive news media in Philadelphia.

Sandra Clark (WHYY V.P. of News and Civic Dialogue), Michael Days (Philadelphia Media Network V.P. for Diversity and Inclusion), Sara Lomax-Reese (WURD President and CEO), and Elisabeth Perez-Luna (WHYY Executive Producer of Audio Content) join in to discuss the criticality of this issue and steps that must be taken by Philadelphia newsrooms to better represent the communities they serve.

AL DÍA RoundTableTALKS is now available on Apple PodcastsSpotifyGoogle Play, and Stitcher. Be sure to subscribe!