Photo: Flickr / Erik (HASH) Hersman

GOP needs at least 47 percent of Latino vote to win the White House


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The Republican presidential candidate will need 47 percent of the Latino vote to win the White House in 2016 — the highest in history— according to a poll released Friday by Latino Decisions for America's Voice.

“The conventional wisdom often asserted by pundits and in media reports that winning 40 percent of the Latino vote will be sufficient for the Republicans to carry the presidency in 2016 is farcical”, reads the report. “The 40 percent threshold assumes that the Bush-Kerry demographics of 2004 are still in effect even though that election was 12 years ago.”

The increase in the impact of the Latino vote is due in part to the growth of the population, which represented 7 percent of voters in 2004; 8 percent in 2008; 9 percent in 2012, and will represent an estimated 10.4 percent in 2016, according to Latino Decisions.