Wolf beats Corbett in early poll


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Despite having won the primary elections for Democratic Party just two weeks ago, Tom Wolf already has a significant advantage in the election against his Republican rival, Tom Corbett.

According to a Rasmussen Reports poll, 51 percent of voters said that they would elect Wolf while only 31 percent of them said that they would support the current governor. Another 14 percent of respondents have not yet decided how to vote, while 4 percent said that they would prefer other candidates in the race.

Wolf would have the support of 83 percent of Democrats, while only 36 percent would trust Tom Corbett. The Democrat is also the preferred candidate among voters not affiliated with either major party.

Voters reject Corbett

Corbett is experiencing one of the worst moments of popularity since coming to power — only 36 percent of citizens approve of the job that he has done.

In addition, voters have more confidence in Wolf that the current governor on issues such as government spending, managing social problems and corruption.

Tom Wolf won the May 20 election for Democratic candidate when he beat Allison Schwartz, Robert McCord and Katie McGinty. Corbett had no rival in the Republican Party.