Editorial: Happily Misinformed


Celebrando todo el año

Fighting Sargassum

Community Colleges

La lucha de las mujeres


We know the Iraq and Afghanistan wars cost over a hundred
thousand civilian lives, but where is the uproar and dismay for this
unwarranted bloodshed?

WMD- weapons of mass destruction never existed, it only
served as a ruse for 'mass distraction', but we necessarily wonder, where are
the incensed and betrayed masses or their leaders?

Voters went utterly misinformed to the polls in November, found, "substantially misinformed on…stimulus
legislation, the healthcare reform law, TARP, the state of the economy, climate
change, campaign contributions…and President Obama's birthplace," to which we
must add immigration. 

The evil of misinformation is all pervasive and the
WorldPublicOpinion study found that "false or misleading information is
widespread," followed by a not so surprising statement that "for some news
sources on some issues, higher levels of exposure increased misinformation,"
one such champion of lies is Fox News, but they are not alone, it includes others
such as CNN and MSNBC.

Yes we have been lied to. 'So what', the masters of cynicism
might ask. 

"For the time will come when people would rather be deceived" warned a
Christian apostle some 20 centuries ago. Today in the era of abundant and easily accessible information, misinformation for the sake of it is rather the norm, the guiding premise of some prominent media.

Rupert Murdoch who claimed before Congress to be "totally
pro immigrant" profits from Fox News xenophobic propaganda fitting of riotous mobs.

Our American society enjoys access to a wealth of
information, and also in typical American fashion people exercise choices. 

Sad to say, one such choice is to "drink the Kool-Aid"
leading to more than isolated Jonestown-like massacres.