Support the DREAM Walkers

Last month, four young immigrants started walking 1,500 miles, from Miami to Washington, D.C, to demand solutions to our country's failed immigration system…


Celebrando todo el año

Fighting Sargassum

Community Colleges

La lucha de las mujeres


Last month, four young immigrants started walking 1,500 miles, from Miami to Washington, D.C, to demand solutions to our country's failed immigration system and to urge support for the DREAM Act.  I am asking you to let these young people know that we stand behind them, admire their courage, and pray for their safety.

The DREAM Walkers were brought to the U.S. by their families when they were young, have excelled in school, worked hard, and contributed to their communities. And they all have faced the threat of being sent away from the only country they know as home. These courageous young people know that there are clear pathways to fixing our failed immigration system and they are fighting to make it happen. 

After walking 600 miles, Gaby, Carlos, Juan and Felipe are now entering hostile territory in the Deep South. Last weekend they encountered an anti-immigrant rally led by the Ku Klux Klan. And this week they will enter Gwinnett County, Georgia -- home of Sheriff R.L. "Butch" Conway, who is notorious for his anti-immigrant policies. According to Georgia immigrant rights leader, Adelina Nicholls:

"Sheriff Conway is one of the most dangerous figures in Georgia, who has turned Gwinett County into a place of fear, racial profiling, arrest, and deportation."

Now more than ever, as they come face-to-face with anti-immigrant sentiment, the walkers need our support. Our voices can give them strength. Please let the DREAM Walkers know you are with them by clicking below and ask your friends and family to do the same. It takes just a moment:

By clicking the link above you'll sign on to the following statement: "I stand with the walkers as they call for solutions to our country's failed immigration system."

As people have shown through our history--from Mahatma Gandhi, to Rosa Parks, to Cesar Chavez--it's moments like these, when people put their lives and futures on the line that make a difference.

These DREAM Walkers are taking a brave stand for millions of others who suffer daily under our failed immigration system. They need your support. Please join them in their walk and ask everyone you know to do the same.

Thanks and ¡Adelante!