On November 3rd, Let’s Send Him Back To Where He Came From
I am so looking forward to the day I can write a positive, cheerful, and encouraging column. And I bet you are also desperate for good news, and for notes that will convey a message of optimism and confidence about the future.
It can happen, or instead, it will happen the right after Election Day, when Donald Trump is finally sent packing and his ambition for four more years of violence, madness, and racism are no longer a threat to the nation and the world.
Of course, this is assuming all the potential voters who want to return some sanity to Washington go out and do their civic duty. Because if they don’t, there is a real possibility that even though a majority of the American people can’t stand even the sight of the incumbent, he will be reelected. You can be sure his unthinking, deplorable followers will turn out at the polls en masse.
The filmmaker Michael Moore, one of the few people who predicted Trump would defeat Hillary Clinton in 2016, is sounding the alarm once more. Trump’s “loyal, hateful, excited” base “can’t wait to vote,” Moore has said, while Biden’s is all about “No Trump!” and not enthusiasm for the candidate, reports Market Watch.
“Where are the stories about Trump gaining on Biden?” he asked, pointing to a shift in the polls in recent days. “So many Dems are convinced Trump will lose. DANGER! The Biden campaign must commit to changes that will inspire and bring out young people, Black and Latino voters and women.”
“We are risking a tragedy of major proportions in the coming election,” Moore warned.
And what a tragedy it would be if, due to apathy, laziness, or ignorance, we fail to vote and allow the worst president in the country’s history to remain in the White House four more years.
After all, Latinos – not only immigrants and their children but those born in this country – have been the object of Trump’s vile lies and cruel persecution.
One hundred eighty thousand victims of COVID-19 are tragic witnesses to the president’s stupidity and lack of leadership. Remember that Latinos and Blacks have suffered the brunt of the pandemic and have died in disproportionate numbers.
If you are not registered to vote, you should do so right away to exercise your right to help choose the next president. Your future depends on Trump getting kicked out of the White House, plain and simple.
Vote because you can’t stand Trump or vote because you like Joe Biden, the Democratic candidate, but vote. We have to send the aging conman back to Trump Towers or Mar-A Lago or wherever the hell he came from.