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Dia del Medico

December 3: Pan American Doctor's Day


Síndrome del Corazon Roto

Síntomas Alzheimer

Nueva Prueba de Próstata

Peligro de Bacterias en Boca

Grupo Sanguíneo No Envejece

34 Segundos para Morir


December 3 marks the celebration of Pan American Doctor's Day, a date that acknowledges the essential work of healthcare professionals across the Americas. This commemoration was established in 1953 by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in honor of the birth of Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay, a Cuban physician and scientist born on December 3, 1833. Finlay is renowned for discovering that the Aedes aegypti mosquito is the vector of yellow fever, a finding that revolutionized medicine and public health.

The proposal to dedicate this date to doctors emerged during a congress of the Pan American Medical Confederation in Dallas, Texas, and was championed by the Argentine Medical Federation through the efforts of Córdoba-born infectious disease specialist Remo Bergoglio. Since then, Latin American countries, including Colombia, Argentina, Uruguay, and Guatemala, have adopted December 3 as a day to honor doctors who dedicate their lives to preserving and improving public health.

Dr. Finlay's legacy transcends his discovery about yellow fever; his dedication and commitment to scientific research laid the groundwork for significant advances in tropical medicine and epidemiology. His work enabled the implementation of control measures that saved countless lives and facilitated projects such as the construction of the Panama Canal by reducing the incidence of the disease among workers.

Today, Pan American Doctor's Day is an opportunity to recognize the effort and dedication of healthcare professionals, especially in challenging contexts such as pandemics and health crises. It is a time to reflect on the importance of their work and the need to ensure proper conditions for the practice of their profession, promoting their well-being and continuous development.

PAHO and the World Health Organization (WHO) continue to highlight the importance of doctors in promoting health and preventing diseases, reaffirming their commitment to strengthening healthcare systems in the region. This day serves to honor those who, inspired by Dr. Finlay’s legacy, continue to contribute to the well-being of communities across the Americas.