Forgotten dogs at Kabul airport. Photo: Twitter- @perezreverte
Were they abandoned? Controversy sparks over service dogs left in Afghanistan
About 15 service animals were abandoned along with U.S. equipment in Kabul.
After a photo of forgotten cages of service dogs at Kabul airport was released, people said the animals were from the U.S. Armed Forces who evacuated the country the day before. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby stated that "the U.S. Armed Forces did not leave any dogs in crates at Hamid Karzai International Airport, including the reported military working dogs."
"The photos circulating online were of animals in the care of Kabul Small Animal Rescue, not dogs in our care," Kirby added.
The viral image was tweeted, among others, by Arturo Perez Reverte, renowned Spanish writer, journalist and war correspondent, who reported that U.S. military soldiers had left service dogs inside cages at the airport in Afghanistan's capital.
"This is the payment for loyalty," Perez said, referring to the photograph of the animals. "The Americans left their service dogs caged and abandoned at the Kabul airport, where they went mad with hunger and thirst."
About 15 large pet cages can be seen in the photograph, surrounded by broken and empty water bottles, as well as a destroyed helicopter in the background.
"Damn Joe Biden, his generals, the Taliban, the human being and the mother who gave birth to us," criticized the Spanish writer.
On the other hand, the rescue home Kabul Small Animal Rescue (KSAR) said the case of these animals forgotten in Afghanistan was due to the policies of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which recently announced "suspending the transport of dogs from Afghanistan and more than 100 other countries to the United States."
Éste es el pago de la lealtad. Los norteamericanos dejaron a sus perros de servicio enjaulados y abandonados en el aeropuerto de Kabul, donde enloquecen de hambree y sed. Malditos sean Joe Biden, sus generales, los talibán, el ser humano y la madre que nos parió. pic.twitter.com/DPtOllKsiR
— Arturo Pérez-Reverte (@perezreverte) August 31, 2021
The KSAR group managed to secure a plane with the intention to get the animals and several workers out of a shelter in Kabul for safety.
At least 46 dogs have been reported by the organization as having been left at the airport. There is now fear that these animals may be executed by the Taliban who now have control over the air terminal.
War material also left in Afghanistan
The U.S. forces also left tons of war equipment behind.
Photos of airplanes, helicopters and other equipment of the Armed Forces has been revealed left behind through social media. According to what can be seen in the images, the soldiers had rendered the aircraft useless, breaking everything that could be used later by the Taliban.
It was reported that 70 MRAP armored vehicles, 27 Hummer vehicles, the C-RAM anti-missile system, several kilos of different equipment, uniforms and some weapons that could no longer be taken in the last flights out of Kabul were destroyed.