(L - R) Arturo Hernández and his wife Ana next to Angela Navarro and his husband Manrique. Photo: NSM
(L - R) Arturo Hernández and his wife Ana next to Angela Navarro and his husband Manrique. Photo: NSM

National tour brings hope to immigrants in sanctuary

New Sanctuary Movement embarked on a national tour to visit the three remaining undocumented immigrants in sanctuary.


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The last time I talked to Angela Navarro she had just found out her final deportation order was stayed. After 58 days of sanctuary in a North Philly church, she won her deportation case last month.

“For now I can only imagine my new life, but I know is going to be different.” Navarro said back in January . “I want to keep fighting for all the other people that are facing deportation. I know is not easy but we need to keep fighting. Si se puede!”

Now Navarro and her husband Manrique (along with Nicole Kligerman, a New Sanctuary Movement organizer), embarked on a national tour to visit the three remaining undocumented immigrants in sanctuary.

These are Misael Perez Cabrera, who has been in sanctuary for three months at Shadow Rock United Church of Christ, in Phoenix; Rosa Robles Loreto, who’s been in sanctuary for six months in Southside Presbyterian Church, in Tucson; And Arturo Armando Hernández, in sanctuary for four months at the First Unitarian Society of Denver.

“I want to meet Misael, Rosa, and Arturo in person and give them my support because I’m still fighting. We want them win their cases and we’ll keep fighting so all deportations end. We’re all in the same struggle,” Navarro said.

During the first day of the tour, at First Unitarian Church of Denver, NSM members met  Arturo and his wife Ana with the Metro Denver Sanctuary coalition. “I hope that they feel good about our visit and now have a little more hope and spirit,” Navarro said.

The group is posting updates and photos of the tour at their blog as the tour develops.

The sanctuary tour was organized after a federal court temporarily blocked Obama's executive action on immigration, leaving the future of five million undocumented people in uncertainty.

A comment released by the NSM in response to the ruling stated, “Federal Judge Andrew Hanen's anti-immigrant ruling violates not only our faith values but the legal power of the President to pass executive actions. We feel confident that this terrible ruling will be overturned and we will keep fighting to keep all families together.”


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