Members of the caravan of Central American migrants prepare to depart Mexico City, Mexico, on their way to the United States, Nov. 9, 2018. EPA-EFE/Sashenka Gutierrez
Members of the caravan of Central American migrants prepare to depart Mexico City, Mexico, on their way to the United States, Nov. 9, 2018. EPA-EFE/Sashenka Gutierrez

More than 2,000 migrants from CentAm caravan leave Mexico City headed north

The United Nations rejected the caravan's request to provide transportation. 


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More than 2,000 migrants from the U.S.-bound caravan, which arrived in Mexico City at the start of the week, left Friday headed north after the United Nations rejected their request to provide them with buses, while the rest of the roughly 5,000 Central Americans plan to make their departure over the weekend.

Representatives from the caravan told a press conference that they are negotiating with authorities from the capital's metro system to provide them with free transport to help them depart at 5 pm on Saturday.

"We want to tell the UN that we don't want to see them ever again. They're only there to say they're going to help, but it's a lie. They haven't helped us in any way," a young migrant said.

"How is it possible that 192 countries that make up the UN cannot help a caravan by providing buses, while the country's people have helped us with food?," he asked, referring to the humanitarian aid that has been provided to them in the capital.

After a vote carried out on Thursday night, the migrants, who have camped since last weekend inside a soccer stadium here, decided to leave Mexico City on Friday "on foot or by bus."

On Friday morning, however, the head of the Mexico City Human Rights Commission, Nashieli Ramirez, told reporters that the migrants agreed to stay one more day.

Nevertheless, more than 2,000 migrants who disagreed with the decision chose to leave the stadium and head toward Queretaro, a city located northwest of the capital.

"More than 2,000 left. May God be with them. No one can be stopped," a spokesperson for the Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders) organization, which has provided support to the caravan, said.

Another one of the migrants who spoke during the press conference said they would "hold the UN responsible" if any of them died during their trip north, as the United Nations office in Mexico City rejected their request of providing them with safe transportation.


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