More than $1 million in subsidies to non-profit entities that promote cultural diversity
The Nissan Foundation has granted nearly $16 million to more than 150 organizations.
The Nissan Foundation recently announced that for the first time it has granted more than $1 million during its annual grants cycle.
$1.2 million were allocated to 39 non-profit organizations that share and celebrate various cultural perspectives and experiences throughout the country, entities that work in the communities surrounding Nissan's facilities in southern California, Middle Tennessee, Central Mississippi, Dallas/Fort Worth, Southeast Michigan, New York, and Atlanta.
Chandra Vasser, President of the Nissan Foundation and Nissan’s first Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer, stated through a press release:
It was at this pivotal moment in time when Nissan resolved to create a foundation – one with a solitary mission to build community by valuing cultural diversity.
About the Foundation
Created in 1992, the Nissan Foundation was erected as a direct response to civil disturbances that followed the verdict of Rodney King's trial, a series of events that were held a few blocks from Nissan's sales headquarters in the U.S.
"Since then, the Nissan Foundation has maintained its commitment to supporting organizations that celebrate cultural diversity through arts, education, and social and public programs,” added Vasser.
During its 30 years, the Foundation has granted almost $16 million to approximately 150 organizations.
2023 Beneficiaries
The beneficiaries of 2023 include museums, public television stations, libraries, and other non-profit organizations that promote the many benefits that diversity contributes to society.
Among the beneficiaries of this year is the Museum of the Children of Manhattan, a cultural destination and an educational resource for families in New York City and beyond.
The Nissan Foundation's subsidy will be used to support the Gateway To World Cultural Program of the Museum, which includes performances, interactive story schedules, and practical projects that explore and celebrate a variety of cultures and traditions.
"The work our grantees do to educate their diverse audiences about different cultures, religions and ethnicities is truly inspiring. We’re impressed continually by the creative and moving ways our grantees engage audiences through events, exhibits, performances and hands-on experiences,” noted Ali Tonn, Nissan Foundation executive director.
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Another of those selected for 2023 is the Association of Native American Indians of Tennessee, a non-profit agency established to help improve the quality of life of the Native Americans in the state.
The subsidy was allocated for the realization of the Annual Naia Pow Wow, a cultural revitalization event for the native and non-native Tennessos to promote and educate the public about the history of the Native Americans.
A third concessionaire is the Mississippi History Museum and the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum, places that lead visitors through the sweeping of the history of Mississippi and the role of the state as the ‘zero zone’ in the civil rights movement from the United States.
The Nissan Foundation's subsidy supports the Museum School Visits Program that guarantees that each Mississippi student has the opportunity to visit the museums for free at least once during their K-12 education.
"The experiences our grantees provide remind us all of our shared humanity. There is so much to learn from and about each other. Our grantees provide those entry points for exploring and celebrating our differences,” added Tonn.
How to Request a 2024 Subsidy
Non-profit organizations whose mission is aligned with that of the Nissan Foundation and that are based on one of the seven areas where Nissan has a significant operational presence (Atlanta, Central Mississippi, Dallas/Fort Worth, Middle Tennessee, New York, Southeast Michigan, south of South California) encourages requesting a 2024 subsidy.
The Nissan Foundation will begin accepting Letters of Intent for the 2024 grant cycle on Monday, October 9, 2023. All Letters of Intent must be received by 5 p.m. ET/4 p.m. CT on Friday, November 3. The Nissan Foundation will announce 2024 grantees in June 2024.
Click here to see the complete beneficiary list.
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