The quickest way to turn a white Christmas into a Grinch's paradise of blackness. Via
The quickest way to turn a white Christmas into a Grinch's paradise of blackness. Via

A Puerto Rican Family Has A Golden Law To Avoid Politics From Ruining New Year's Eve

Trump's campaign for re-election as president offers voters online information to win arguments with liberal family members, according to VOA News.


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Ana Canino-Vazquez is a Democrat like her sister Rosangela. Although she voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, she plans to vote for Elizabeth Warren in 2020, while her sister is a Bernie Sanders fan. In contrast, their brother, Juan, is a Trump supporter. Their Facebook walls are proof of their political distance.

However, they have decided that it is love and not the polls that is most important in a family. Especially now, when the Latino vote has become the golden girl of the presidential campaign. 

"Trump is already tearing many families apart, literally tearing them apart, and I feel that if I allow it, it could destroy my family as well. I don't want to give him a victory," Rosangela told Mother Jones' Fernanda Echavarri.

The last time the Canino-Vazquez family met to attend Ana's son's graduation, they decided they were not going to talk about politics.  

"The hatred for Trump has made many of us a little bit quieter," Juan Canino-Vazquez said.

They each live in a state: Ana in New York, Rosangela in Michigan and her brother Juan, a former assistant sheriff, in Florida. This geographical difference may have a lot to do with their inclination to vote. 

Three years ago, when the three siblings were getting heated up discussing politics, Rosangela avoided getting bitter in a very simple way: She stopped following Juan on Facebook, even though she sometimes spied on him until some pro-Trump meme appeared that made her back off. 

"I don't like it, but I support his administration and many of his policies. Nothing I've seen has made me regret voting for him," Juan told Echaverrí earlier this month, speaking out in favor of his anti-immigrant policy, although, according to his sisters, he now thinks twice before posting a controversial meme on his networks. 

What has changed most in the brother's attitude is that he wonders if he can harm his sisters before sharing his point of view with them in a text message. 

"Hate for Trump has made many of us a little quieter," he said. 

As if the political leanings of the three siblings weren't already complicated, their mother, who migrated from Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, is strongly anti-abortion; while the father, who lives in Miami, is very critical of Trump.

"In the end, we really value each other as a person, even if we don't agree," Ana concludes.

Divide and you won't conquer

While psychologists often recommend avoiding political conversations during the Christmas holidays, Trump's campaign for re-election as president is offering voters online information to win arguments with liberal family members, according to VOA News

Organized by topic and accompanied by video clips and detailed descriptions, these political arguments are based on touting President Trump's achievements in economic, social and international issues.

"Trump is already destroying many families and he could destroy my family as well. I don't want to give him a victory," Rosangela told Mother Jones.

Now, the Democrats are not far behind, although in a somewhat more subtle way...

A few days ago, a contributor to The Atlantic published an article giving advice to liberals to discuss with their conservative relatives at the table, urging them to avoid personal allusions and focus on the facts: 

"The truth will never cease to be true. The triumph will not cease to be the triumph," he wrote.

According to a recent study published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, these political discussions only succeed in shortening or even avoiding the celebrations so as not to end up dividing the family or turning a white Christmas into any Grinch's paradise of blackness. 

The choice is yours. You can take the politicians home or you can, like the Canino-Vazquez family, slam the door in their faces. 


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