Cien Años de Soeldad
Two different versions of the book cover of Cien Años de Soledad representing the old and new generations portrayed in the story. Photo: Lilia Ayllón/AL DÍA News

Literatura Oral Episode 7: Cien Años de Soledad


100 años de Truman Capote

Cultura hispana literatura

10 Autores Hispanos

La luna fue volcánica

Un nuevo futuro en la luna.

110 años de Cortázar

Pedro & Daniel


In a special edition of Literatura Oral, Deputy Editor Emily Neil and Content Producer Michelle Myers join Lily Ayllón to discuss “Cien Años de Soledad” by Gabriel García Márquez — with a millenial twist. 

“A Hundred Years of Solitude” takes us to the town of Macondo, which was founded by the Buendía Family. This story not only gives us insight into the history of South America, but it also explores the conflicting lifestyles of traditional families. Listen as Emily, Michelle and Lily speak about how this story is still a reference to current societal concerns, and explore the Drama with a capital "D" that is the Buendía family's trials and travails in Macondo.