Bernie Sanders in the South Bronx, on March 31st, 2016. Photo: Michael Vadon/WIKI COMMONS
Bernie Sanders in the South Bronx, on March 31st, 2016. Photo: Michael Vadon/WIKI COMMONS

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What happens when an artist tries to understand a politician? Famous film-maker Spike Lee interviews Senator Bernie Sanders to discuss Donald Trump victory, what the Democrats did wrong, and how the US is going to survive 2017.

Spike Lee: Let me ask you another question. How can you tell another country that they’ve got to pay for a wall? Or fences? How does that work?

Bernie Sanders: Well, Spike, I think what you are going to find is that a lot of the hyperbole, a lot of the rhetoric that Mr Trump used in his campaign, ends up not being terribly relevant to the real world.

SL So you think his voters are not going to hold him to the outrageous stuff he said he’d do?

BS Well, I think in some ways they may not. I think what we’ve got to do is hold him accountable for the statements he made about raising wages and creating jobs, and I think we gotta fight him tooth and nail on the outrageous…

Read the whole interview in British newspaper The Guardian