Neon sculpture by Paula Gaetano, 2014. 

Majority of Latinos speak English or are bilingual


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The majority of English-speaking Hispanics in the United States are bilingual, according to an analysis of the Pew Research Center’s 2013 National Survey of Latinos, which revealed the following findings:

  • 62 percent of Latinos speak English or are bilingual
  • 36 percent are bilingual, 25 percent mainly use English and 38 percent mainly use Spanish
  • Among those who speak English, 59 percent are bilingual
  • 50 percent of children of immigrant parents are bilingual, compared to 35 percent of Latino immigrants, and 23 percent of Latinos with U.S. born parents
  • 42 percent of Latinos ages 18 to 29 are bilingual. That share falls to about a third among Hispanics ages 30 to 49 and ages 50 to 64, but rises again, to 40 percent, among those ages 65 and older
  • Spanish is the most spoken non-English language in the U.S. with 35.8 million Hispanic speakers plus 2.6 million non-Hispanic