Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania receives $600,000 donation from philanthropist, Mackenzie Scott. Photo: Junior Achievement Facebook.
Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania receives $600,000 donation from philanthropist, Mackenzie Scott. Photo: Junior Achievement Facebook.

Mackenzie Scott donates $600,000 to Junior Achievement of Southeastern Pennsylvania


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Philanthropist and ex-wife of Amazon CEO, Mackenzie Scott has made another generous donation to a local organization, Junior Achievement Southeastern Pennsylvania.

The humanitarian, who is known for her enormous monetary donations, recently awarded Junior Achievement $600,000. Overall, she donated $38.8 million to Junior Achievement USA, the largest donation the organization has ever received.

The southeastern Pennsylvania branch is just one of 26 local operations to benefit from Scott's donation.

Stephanie Gambone, the president and CEO of Junior Achievement of Southeastern PA, told Action News that the branch now has so many opportunities to help students succeed in academics.

"We work with young people in grades K through 12 across eight counties in the Philadelphia region and surrounding counties," said Gambone., "We provide financial literacy programs, entrepreneurship programs, career readiness, there are just so many endless opportunities to ensure that young people have the tools and resources they need upon graduation from high school."

Gambone also said that because of the donation, they can double their service from 20,000 students a year to 40,000 students a year.

“We are so grateful and thankful for this gift,” Gambone said. “It really comes at a critical time for us as an organization, as a community, and quite frankly, as a country, as we think about what's next for young people."

This is not the first time Scott has touched the hearts of local nonprofit organizations and provided monetary support towards human rights organizations.

Just last week, Scott pledged $55 million for Affordable Housing Efforts in Los Angeles. She also donated $275 million to Planned Parenthood, another historic donation for the nonprofit organization.

Junior Achievement USA is based in Colorado, and was founded in 1919 by former President of American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), Theodore Vail, Horace Moses, president of Strathmore Paper Co., and Senator Murray Crane of Massachusetts.

In 1975, the organization began providing students with in-class business lessons. Decades later, the organization expanded to include in-school and after school literacy programs.

Since 2019, Scott has donated over $12 billion to 1,257 groups and organizations. In 2019, after divorce proceedings from Jeff Bezos ended, she stated that she will donate all of the money received from Bezos to organizations.

“In addition to whatever assets life has nurtured in me, I have a disproportionate amount of money to share,” Scott said in a 2019 blog post. “My approach to philanthropy will continue to be thoughtful. It will take time and effort and care. But I won’t wait. And I will keep at it until the safe is empty.”