¿Qué le Pasa a Nuestro Cerebro Cuando Tomamos un Descanso de las Redes Sociales?
Taking a break from social media can have significant effects on our brain and overall well-being.
What Happens to Our Brain When We Take a Break from Social Media?
Taking a break from social media can have significant effects on our brain and overall well-being. Constant interaction with these platforms is designed to capture our attention through notifications and personalized content, which can create a dependency similar to that caused by addictive substances. By temporarily stepping away from these networks, we allow our brain to regain its neurochemical balance and encourage healthier habits.
An illustrative example is that of a journalist who decided to delete social media apps from his phone for 100 days. Initially, he felt the urge to seek entertainment in other apps, but over time, he noticed a decrease in mobile phone usage and the development of healthier habits, such as exercising and watching TV series. This change suggests that by reducing exposure to social media, the brain begins to release dopamine in a more controlled and healthy way, without relying on external stimuli.
Moreover, the absence of constant notifications allows the brain to rest from overstimulation, improving concentration and reducing stress. A Dutch technique known as "niksen," which involves taking "mini-vacations" for the mind during the day, has proven effective in combating stress and enhancing mental health. Disconnecting from social media can help us incorporate similar practices into our daily routine, enabling the mind to rest and rejuvenate.
It is essential to highlight that the relationship with social media is not inherently negative; the issue lies in excessive use and lack of control over the time spent on these platforms. Setting boundaries and being mindful of how we interact with these tools can help us maintain a healthy balance between digital and real life. For instance, some young people in Brazil are choosing to step away from social media to focus on more beneficial activities, such as reading and exercising outdoors, aiming to improve their quality of life and emotional well-being.
In summary, taking a break from social media allows our brain to regain its neurochemical balance, reduces stress, and enhances concentration. By distancing ourselves from technological dependency, we foster healthier habits and promote long-lasting well-being. It is crucial to be aware of our relationship with technology and establish limits that allow us to enjoy its benefits without compromising our mental and emotional health.