“It is grotesque, immoral, petty, disgusting and despicable that the United States persists in its campaign against Cuba's international medical cooperation.”  Carlos Alzugaray, a Cuban professor and diplomat.
“It is grotesque, immoral, petty, disgusting and despicable that the United States persists in its campaign against Cuba's international medical cooperation.”  Carlos Alzugaray, a Cuban professor and diplomat.

While the U.S. Sends Soldiers, Cuba Sends Doctors

How a pandemic can bring out the best - and the worst - in every nation.


We are living in uncertain times made even more so by a mendacious president filled with racial hatred, and a killing virus that paralyzed the whole country.

Yet, for president Trump and his secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, a pandemic that has killed over one million people around the world –and whose own administration projection of 3,000 daily deaths in the U.S. by June 1, according to the New York Times, is even more terrifying– is not enough to put human lives above cruel and absurd imperial policies.


Almost unbelievably, countries like Qatar and South Africa among others, that have desperately asked Cuba to send doctors to help control the pandemic, have been harshly criticized by Washington. The Trump administration is conducting an all-out campaign to smear the reputation of the heroic Cuban doctors.

“The crux of the attack has been to paint the program as a form of modern slavery because the doctors only receive about a quarter of the money the countries pay for their services,” Medea Benjamin wrote in Common Dreams. “But Cuban health professionals volunteer for these assignments — they want the experience, they earn much more than they would back home, and they know the rest of the money goes to support Cuba’s national health care system.”

By the way, it is not as if the U.S. is going to send doctors to take the place of the Cubans. The truth is that while the U.S. sends soldiers to kill, Cuba sends doctors to heal.

As Carlos Alzugaray, a Cuban professor and diplomat says: “It is grotesque, immoral, petty, disgusting and despicable that the United States persists in its campaign against Cuba's international medical cooperation.”

  • cuba
  • Carlos Alzugaray
  • Mike Pompeo

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