[OP-ED]: The real political pneumonia of the Democratic candidate
The campaign caught pneumonia.
The campaign caught pneumonia. While Hillary stumbles, Trump jumped right on to take from the first-woman-president-to-be even more points in the opinion polls…Is she dozing off into defeat?
We don’t know who is advising Hillary these days, but the way things are going this is beginning to look like an Al Gore déjå-vu— the president-to-be that might never quite manage to become.
So sad…
Things go from bad to worse, with no signal of a turn around that makes Hillary followers, and the loyal Democrats, feel they have a victory guaranteed on November 8th, given the obvious inadequacies of the Republican candidate.
But remember how “inadequate George W. Bush” was the victor in 2000 and how he managed to catch up and defeat the “All-Presidential-looking” Al Gore in the final poll of the Electoral College.
The latest news from the campaign is that Hillary contracted pneumonia and, as a result, she stumbled and almost fell in her public appearance during the September 11th ceremonies.
We feel sorry for Hillary, but not only because of that sorry videotaped instant, when she was carried into a car, unable to walk on her own, seen all over world during this past weekend.
We feel sorry mainly because we believe she is the better candidate in the campaign, but she is saddled by a terrible campaign staff that is making her lose point after point in the polls, and good will from the watching public, one person at a time.
Even among Latino voters, and particularly women voters of Latino descent, she continues to sink at that critical perception level
Even among Latino voters, and particularly women voters of Latino descent, she continues to sink at that critical perception level, no matter how Latinos in general would like to see a woman president of the United States of America.
She might actually lose, regretfully.
Same as Al Gore, a great candidate, or John Kerry, even better, but distracted and with an incompetent team of advisers who failed to prepare the candidate for the obvious attacks from the adversary and to win points among the natural followers.
Latinos are not natural followers, as other minorities in the Democratic Party may be, taken for granted by the party's senior leadership.
They might choose any monute to vote for the other candidates, eager to capture their attention and conquer their valuable vote.
This sort of political pneumonia of the Democratic candidate's campaign can very sadly make her lose, the way things are going, the general election on November 8th, 2106.
To a lot of people's regret, including ours.
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