Ecuador holds peace marches in honor of the fallen and kidnapped
Three Ecuadorian journalists were kidnapped on Mar. 26 and later killed by a person who the authorities identified only with the alias "Guacho."
Thousands of people took to the streets in Ecuador Thursday, to march for peace and to pay tribute to the three murdered journalists and four soldiers killed in attacks as well as the couple kidnapped in the border area with Colombia which is controlled by armed groups.
Summoned by relatives, colleagues and friends of the three members of the media team of the newspaper El Comercio, the marches drew thousands of people all over many streets in Quito under the slogans "Three people are missing", "We want peace", "Nobody gets tired for peace", "No to impunity" and "No more", among others.
The three journalists were kidnapped on Mar. 26 and later killed by a person who the authorities identified only with the alias "Guacho."
One of the participants said the best way to pay homage to the murdered is "to continue with journalism" and called for unity to tackle violence.
The march concluded with a rally in La Circasiana Park, where relatives, friends and colleagues prayed for the victims, lit candles and demanded that their bodies be returned to their families.
Another equally massive demonstration had also been convened by the pro-government movement Alianza Pais and toured from the streets in the center of the capital to the Plaza de la Independencia, in front of the Government Palace.
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