Philly Future Track now accepting applications
Now in its third session, the Philly Future Track program provides job-skill training and real-world work experience to Philadelphia young adults.
The Philadelphia Streets Department announced applications are being accepted for its next class of Philly Future Track program.
The course tentatively set to begin on Sept. 15, is seeking motivated, young adults to participate. Now in its third session, the Philly Future Track program provides job-skill training and real-world work experience to Philadelphia young adults.
Throughout the six-month program, participants will work in teams to clean and beautify Philadelphia’s streets, while completing an educational program to improve their skills for future job prospects.
According to the Streets Department, the program is designed to be a career readiness pipeline, providing the participants with enough resources and education to transition into fulltime employment, attend a two or four-year higher education institution, enter into a vocational training program/school or be prepared to take the military aptitude test.
To qualify applicants must be a Philadelphia residents and eligible to work in the United States. Applicants should also be between 18-24 years old.
Candidates can download applications available at http://www.philadelphiastreets.com/philly-future-track. Once completed, applications must be submitted in the Philly Future Track drop box located in the first floor lobby of the Municipal Services Building, located in 1401 JFK Boulevard (across from City Hall). All completed applications must be received by Friday, Sept. 12 at 6:00 P.M.