How immigrant businesses are saving our city
Mayor Kenney and city officials kick off immigrant business week.
With an estimated 40,171 immigrant entrepreneurs in the city, immigrants play a vital role in supporting Philadelphia’s local economy. The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Philadelphia’s 2015 Roadmap for Growth reported that since 2000, immigrants are responsible for 96% of the "Main Street" business ownership growth and 75% of the workforce growth. Of the nearly one billion dollars in earnings generated by small business owners in the City of Philadelphia, immigrant entrepreneurs are responsible for $770 million, or 72%, of those earnings, according to the Americas Society/Council of the Americas.
Mayor Kenney who has been very outspoken about his support of the immigrant community and his love for the city's immigrant population spoke candidly at the event saying directly to the immigrants in the room, "I'm glad you chose this as a place you want to live."
Immigrant Business Week was a joint effort with the Department of Commerce, the Office of Immigrant Affairs, and New American Economy (NAE), an organization working to support immigration reforms that will help create jobs. NAE discussed the release of their latest research, “Map the Impact,” an interactive map which includes important data on immigrants in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the country.
Miriam Enriquez, Director of the Office of Immigrant Affairs stated, "A welcoming city is a thriving city and we hope this week proves just that."