Isabel Casillas Guzmán on a business tour through Michigan.
Support for women entrepreneurs. Photo: @SBAIsabel.

A new webinar to support businesswomen of color was launched

It is part of a partnership between the Small Business Administration (SBA) and the Surdna Foundation.


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The Surdna Foundation Inclusive Economies Program and the SBA Office of Women Entrepreneurs recently announced the launch of a three-part webinar series to strengthen diverse women-owned businesses.

Patrice R. Green, Director of the Inclusive Economies Program at the Surdna Foundation, stated:

We are honored to partner with the Small Business Administration on this webinar series highlighting the wisdom and lessons of Surdna’s visionary grantee partners.

Beginning October 31, the webinar schedule expands access to resources and learning opportunities for women entrepreneurs on their journeys to start and grow their businesses.

Likewise, the lessons offered by experienced leaders and entrepreneurs who support the attendees are highlighted, as well as the technical assistance offered by the SBA.

“We hope this series will help women of color entrepreneurs tap into resources to grow their businesses, learn together, and prevail against the headwinds of longstanding racial biases in our economy. Our goal is to help these entrepreneurs navigate the challenges of running a business so they can do what they do best: create new jobs, invigorate communities, and deliver outstanding products and services,” added Green.


October 31 (1:00-3:00 p.m. EST) — Supporting Hispanic/Latina Women's Businesses with Patrice R. Green of Surdna and Donald Smith of the SBA, moderating a panel discussion between Lauren Maillian of digitalundivided, Marla Bilonick of the National Association of Latino Community Asset Builders, and Eduardo Gonzalez of the Office of Community and Economic Development at Fresno State, with special remarks by Mark Madrid of the SBA Office of Business Development.

November 30 — Women Investors and Access to Capital

December 15 — Anchor Institutions of the Black Community

“Small business owners are pillars of our communities and key drivers of our economy. The SBA’s leadership and nationwide team live out our mission each day by working collectively to advocate for small businesses and empower the spirit of entrepreneurship within every community,” noted Donald M. Smith, Acting Assistant Administrator for the Office of Women’s Business Ownership at the SBA.

To learn more about the webinar series and to register to attend, click here. The webinars are free and all interested parties are encouraged to attend.


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