Top 5 de Artistas Latinx Que Deberías Estar Escuchando: Jose Luis Andervel, Los Amigos Invisibles, Adremustdie, y más
AL DÍA te trae lo mejor de la música en español que no encontrarás en otras listas.
Tired of the monopoly of streaming? Can't stand the routine of mono-thematic lists anymore? Neither do we. That's why we dedicate all our weeks to bring out the best in Latin American music that goes unnoticed.
This is our Top 5 for the week:
Born in Mexico and living in Iceland, Jose Luis Andervel is a rare pearl in Spanish language music. Between folk sonorities and incredible vocal capacity, "No sé" is the best opening to this fantastic discovery.
The famous Venezuelan electrofunk group has delighted its millions of fans with its new release "Something2, made in conjunction with the music producer McTematico.
André "mustdie" Rodríguez is a Venezuelan singer-songwriter living in Los Angeles, California, who for the past couple of years has become known on the net for his melodic beats, and his frequent use of Spanglish. "Te Alejas" is his latest single from 2020.
Recorded during the confinement of the pandemic, "El Desierto" is the new single from the Argentine group Churupaca, founded in Buenos Aires, which fuses traditional Latin American instrumentalization with milonga lyrics, which seem to emerge from a timeless Violeta Parra.
Born in Buenos Aires in 1985, Adrián Berra is a singer-songwriter known in the southern cone for his versatile songs, ranging from children's tunes to documentary soundtracks. After becoming famous with "Un beso en la nariz" in 2006, "Sendero Ceniza" is his latest single from 2020.