Open mic stage.
Open mic for Latino stories. Photo: Pixabay.

The Moth presents the second edition of StorySLAM en Español

The special presentation is supported by General Motors, Univision, and WBEZ.


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To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, this special night will take place on Wednesday, October 12, hosted by actress/comedian Jessi Realzola.

The Moth StorySLAM is a series of open mic storytelling events, available to anyone with a five-minute story to share on the theme of the night.

The theme of StorySLAM en Español will be “kitchens” (cocinas). Doors open at 6 p.m. CT at Lincoln Lodge located at 2040 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago, IL. Click here to buy your tickets.

The Moth StorySLAM en Español's promotional image. Graphic: The Moth.
The Moth StorySLAM en Español's promotional image. Graphic: The Moth.

A special night

From The Moth they highlight:

Chicago is a city rich in diversity and culture. The Spanish language is embedded in the heart of the city and The Moth looks forward to encouraging Chicago's Latino storytellers to share their stories this Wednesday.

“We ask that those who want to participate prepare a five-minute tale of a true story about the heart of every home, the kitchen. The one that smells like cupcakes just out of the oven, dulce de leche, or fried malanga. Stovetop disasters or microwave splendors. The secret of the chef… and the secrets of the family. The busiest room in the party. Where everyone washes their own plate…and where what doesn't kill you, makes you fat,” underlined the SLAM organizers.

About The Moth

Founded in 1997, it is a global nonprofit organization whose mission is to promote the art and craft of storytelling and to honor and celebrate the diversity and commonalities of the human experience.

The Chicago StorySLAM series has featured events since 2009. StorySLAM is known as community-focused “open mic” storytelling competitions where anyone can share a five-minute story on the night's theme.


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