Michael Galván ends campaign for City Council, but their work is not done
The local LGBTQ+ organizer announced their decision on Twitter, Dec. 29. They spoke to AL DÍA about the tough decision and their future.
The 2023 Philadelphia City Council race will have one less candidate after the new year rang in. Resident and local organizer, Michael Galván, announced their decision to end their candidacy shortly before New Years, on Thursday, Dec. 29.
The announcement comes after initially launching their campaign this past August. Galván cited personal reasons as a factor that led to their decision.
“I want to state clearly that this is entirely for personal reasons that I just didn’t anticipate at the start of this race. As we say in recovery ‘life got lifey,’ and my focus needs to be on ensuring stability and security in my personal life first before I can best be in service,” they tweeted.
“One day I’ll feel more at peace to discuss everything that’s going on, because I fully believe in transparency and honesty. But that’s not today, and I hope you’ll respect my process as I work to get through things,” Galván added.
The Democrat, if elected, would have been the first openly LGBTQ+ city councilmember in Philly’s long-storied history. They were also the first Democrat to formally declare a run for 2023. As of now, Democratic candidates Rue Landau and Dan Orsino will have that opportunity.
In a conversation with AL DÍA, Galván offered more insight into the decision.
“It came to fruition over the end of November, early December, where I realized that the longevity of my ability to run a good race, I was not going to last,” they said. “I realized I can't run a race half heartedly, and expect to win. Emotionally, it was, and still really hard. I felt like this is a community for me, my family and the ability for us to have a detailed conversation about solutions that would benefit everyone. “
Still, Galván is dedicated to changing Philadelphia, even if not on City Council.
“I won't be able to have those conversations as a candidate anymore but I am still going to make my voice heard in this process to make sure every Philadelphian knows who and what our policies are going to actually change the trajectory or improved trajectory of our city going forward,” Galván added.
While no longer a candidate, they are still a citizen and voter in Philly. In their series of tweets announcing the end to their candidacy, Galván said they would review policy proposals from the other candidates and will then offer an interpretation of their plans. They also have other ideas in mind.
It’ll start with infographics to be released in the coming weeks that break down the different policy proposals from candidates. In that way, they’ll act as the translator and bridge between everyday Philadelphians and the candidates pursuing office.
“It is important that our citizens have the opportunity to understand what people are trying to say and accomplish in this race,” said Galván. “We have a unique opportunity, with many seats, and with the new mayoral administration having a different view of what Philadelphia can and should be, and how do we progress forward to ensure equity within the city itself.”