Joe Biden receives a major Latino endorsement: Dolores Huerta's
At a key moment for his campaign, the former vice president now has the support of one of the icons of the Latino community.
It is no secret that the Latino candidate in the Democratic primary was Bernie Sanders. After the Vermont senator gained surprisingly strong support from the Hispanic community during the early caucuses, many were wondering what the eventual nominee's strategy would be to achieve the same thing.
Once the options had been narrowed down to Joe Biden, Latinos in the country were still hesitant to give their full support to a former vice president in an administration with large numbers of immigrant deportations.
However, desperate situations demand desperate measures.
The urgency to beat Donald Trump in the November election has mobilized a large Democratic coalition behind the Biden campaign, including his former opponents during the primaries, the bulk of the party, and now community leader Dolores Huerta.
According to ABC News, Huerta will make a public appearance at an online event Sunday called Everyone with Biden, and she told The Associated Press she plans to "do everything humanly possible" to make sure Joe Biden is elected.
"Our community has just been under constant, constant attack by the current administration," said Huerta, who is based in Los Angeles. "We need somebody who is going to bring everybody together and end the racism and hostility that has been created."
This has been an important change in the speech of Huerta, who during the primaries gave her support to her state Senator, Kamala Harris, and who then criticized the former vice president for his lack of concrete answers to the needs of the Hispanic community in the country.
At the time, Huerta accused Biden of "talking like a Republican" when it came to immigration.
Nine months later, and in light of the radical change in the political landscape in the country, the founder of the United Farm Workers of America has decided to do what is necessary to mobilize the Latino vote in November and ensure a change in the country.