Panoramic view of Philadelphia.
The city of brotherly love will welcome guests between Aug. 27 and 30. Photo: Bruce Emmerling — Pixabay.

UNI Global Union Congress to meet in Philadelphia

More than 1,200 union leaders from 109 countries will come together to set a global agenda.


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Under the banner 'Rising Together,’ the four-day event will bring together union leaders representing more than 20 million workers from all corners of the world at the Philadelphia Convention Center.

Seeking to strategize and set an ambitious global labor agenda for the next four years, more than 1,200 leaders will gather from August 27-30 at the 6th World Congress of UNI Global Union, the global union federation for the service sector.

General secretary, Christy Hoffman, expressed in a press release:

We are thrilled to unite trade union leaders from 109 countries in Philadelphia – a proud union city.

About the Congress 

UNI has a far-reaching presence with member unions in 150 countries, including some of the largest labor organizations in the United States.

Member organizations represent workers in some of the most dynamic sectors of the economy, including: Banking and financial services; care; cleaning and security; commerce and retail; film, television and the stage; gaming; post and logistics; printing and packaging; professional athletics; technology; and telecommunications. 

According to the organizers, the UNI World Union Congress promises to be a pivotal event in shaping the future of workers' rights and social progress globally.

Focused on collective action, inclusion and solidarity, the event seeks to amplify the voices of millions of workers around the world and address critical issues affecting workers in today's rapidly changing world.

“The theme “Rising Together” captures a collective desire to emerge from the pandemic and cost-of-living crisis stronger than ever before, and with the participation of diverse leaders representing 20 million workers globally, we will set a transformative program in the next four years that puts worker’s rights at the heart of the global economy,” stressed Hoffman. 

Workers United

Through organizing, collective bargaining, stakeholder engagement, and political campaigning, UNI helps unions improve working conditions and livelihoods.

The global union coordinates cross-border campaigns at employers like Amazon to build support for worker organizing around the world.

Likewise, it has signed more than 50 global agreements with multinational corporations that guarantee the rights of workers through the operations of the companies.

“Our commitment to empowering workers, promoting social justice, and combating global challenges is unwavering. Together, we will continue our journey towards a more just and equitable world,” added Hoffman.

Key Themes and Agenda

The Congress will focus on key issues aimed at advancing workers' rights and addressing pressing global challenges. Some of the crucial items on the agenda include:

  • Building Union Power for All: Strengthening the influence of working people by expanding union membership through strategic organizing efforts worldwide. UNI seeks to grow workers' influence over multinational corporations and advocate for the protection and extension of collective bargaining rights. 
  • Changing the Rules to Hold Corporations Accountable: Ensuring businesses worldwide respect workers' human rights. UNI fights to establish effective and binding instruments to hold multinational corporations accountable, with a particular emphasis on involving unions in all stages of binding due diligence. 
  • Rising Together for a Digital Transformation with Shared Benefits for All: Seeking to ensure that workers share the benefits of technological advancements while addressing the potential risks through union-led initiatives. As digitalization continues to shape the world of work, UNI and its affiliates are determined to negotiate the impact of this transformation collectively. They  
  • Rising Together for Health and Safety: Underscoring the post-pandemic need for strong workplace representation and safety regulations. UNI Global Union and its affiliates will develop strategies to organize and bargain around health and safety concerns and promote independent health and safety committees. 

For more information about the congress, click here.


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