These events are held annually. Photo: @LATTITUDEevent.

5 Latino leadership conferences to attend before the end of 2023

As the Hispanic population continues to grow in the U.S., so do business leaders.


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Designed to bring together the most prominent Latino leaders in the United States, these events are not only a sample of the impact that Hispanic leadership has on the North American economy and culture, but also an opportunity for the representatives of the future to prepare and strengthen their skills.

Every year, organizations focused on promoting Latino corporate talent, as well as their contributions to society, come together to celebrate the value of Latino heritage and highlight diversity as a fundamental part of the success of any initiative.


Here are the events you can still attend before the end of the year:

1. ALPFA Convention

  • Date: Aug. 20-24
  • Location: San Antonio
  • Price: $180 (students) — $1,350 (professional/non-members).

This convention is a multi-day event with abundant opportunities for Latinos. Partners recruit Latino talent and business, and thought leaders facilitate innovative conversations as the ALPFAmilia reunites.

2. L'ATTITUDE Conference

  • Date: Sep. 27-30
  • Location: Miami
  • Price: $750 (early bird rate)

L’ATTITUDE is a business-based national initiative focused on helping enlightened executives understand the new mainstream economy and the US Latino cohort that is driving it. Its national platform showcases the contributions of US Latinos in business, media, politics, science, and technology.

3. The US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) National Convention

  • Date: Sep. 24-26
  • Location: Orlando
  • Price: $550 (early bird rate)

The USHCC National Conference brings together local Hispanic Chambers of Commerce, Hispanic business leaders, and corporate partners to foster Hispanic economic development for the greater American economy.

4. Hispanic Association on Corporate Responsibility (HACR) Annual Symposium

  • Date: Oct. 9-11
  • Location: New York
  • Price: $1,199 (members) — $2,199 (early bird rate)

This HACR Annual Symposium is for diversity and inclusion leaders who want to double down on their Latinx inclusion strategies with the country’s most influential leaders in the field. Sessions explore the latest data-backed insights on Latinx inclusion, and help forward-thinking corporate leaders sharpen their understanding of recruitment and retention strategies.

5. Hispanic Leadership Summit

  • Date: Dec. 6-7
  • Location: New York
  • Price: Unlisted

Organized by We Are All Human, this summit will be data-driven, consensus-seeking, high-level, interactive, and inspirational for Hispanics and even non-Hispanics to strategize effective action and to create intentional networks of cross-sector, cross-industry support to progress, celebrate, and uplift the community.


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