Crowns Against the Virus
The beauty queens who called Mexico to support those most in need during the pandemic.
Vanessa Ponce de León, winner of Miss Mexico and Miss World in 2018, has gathered several of her fellow beauty queens for a good cause. Along with her, Ximena Navarrete, Denisse Franco, and Sofia Aragón, used social media to motivate and help people in Mexico on a daily basis.
But during COVID-19, they asked people to identify families who need help, and bring them food pantry and basic items that are enough to support the families for two weeks.
These items include the following:
-Purified water.
-Rice, pasta or whole wheat bread; tortillas, oats, amaranth.
-Bean, lentils, lima beans, chickpeas.
-Eggs, canned tuna.
-Canned vegetables; Unripe fruits.
-Seeds or nuts.
-Powdered Whole Milk.
-Dog or Cat food.
-Sanitary equipment: hand sanitizer, masks, soap, chlorine.
Many of their followers have already joined the altruistic movement, since they published it on their platforms on social media. The beauty queens ask that they take a photo of the donation with a sign and the following hashtags: #CoronasContraElVirus #MéxicoNoEstásSolo