Golden Globe Award statuette.
Golden Globe Award statuette. Photo: The Golden Globes.

What will happen to the 2022 Golden Globes?

Four days away from the first awards ceremony of the year, the controversy surrounding the Golden Globes continues to be the focus.


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After years of changing the conversation about diversity and representation of different communities in the entertainment industry and studies highlighting racial and gender inequalities in Hollywood, the Golden Globes is on its knees. Despite all the hits, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) will still hold the ceremony on Jan. 9, 2022.  

The pre-Oscars ceremony carries allegations of discrimination exposed in an investigation by the Los Angeles Times and NBC's refusal to air the show. Moreover, according to a poll, not even voters know what will happen.

The press team revealed there was no precise information yet, but there will probably be more news in the next few days.

"The only thing I can tell you is that we sent our votes this Monday (yesterday) and as a deadline we have 23:00 hours. We have not been told anything, we do not know what is going to happen, but for sure it is not a face-to-face ceremony, because there is no way it will be achieved," they said.

With no prestige, no television network willing to broadcast the ceremony and without the participation of many of the Hollywood stars invited, cancel culture is taking its toll on the awards and so far, it is not clear what will happen this Sunday during the Golden Globes "gala."  

While the HPFA has taken some steps to reverse its actions, such as adding 21 new members in an attempt to ensure diversity, this has not been enough. Netflix and Amazon have also withdrawn their support for the awards.

Regardless of what happens on Sunday, the Golden Globes are under the spotlight for what could be a breakout and the beginning of the industry's transformation.


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