Evelina Fernández durante la puesta en escena. Foto: Grettel Cortes Photography.
Evelina Fernández durante la puesta en escena. Foto: Grettel Cortes Photography.

Latino Theatre Company presents Whittier Boulevard

The Chicano satire play will run from October 12th through the 20th.


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The Latino Theatre Company brings back “Whittier Boulevard,” the acclaimed Chicano Noir satire devised by a cast that employs a mix of comedy, drama, music, dance and theatrical magic.

This play, which seeks to explore ageism and the divine within us all, tells the story of Los Angeles in 2042, after years of fires, torrential rains, lawlessness and bloodshed have led to a totalitarian city-state where the elderly disappear and their stories are forgotten. When authorities pay a surprise visit to the home of missing Chicano star Veronica del Rio on the eve of her 75th birthday, she enlists the help of her nurse, a policeman and a poet. 

Whittier Boulevard is created by Evelina Fernandez, Sal Lopez, Geoffrey Rivas, Lucy Rodriguez and Jose Luis Valenzuela; directed by Jose Luis Valenzuela; and stars Evelina Fernandez, Zilah Mendoza, Geoffrey Rivas, Eduardo Robledo. 

Preview performances will be September 12th and 13th, then it will be open to the public from September 14th to October 20th. Ticket prices range from $10-$48 (except opening night).

The Latino Theatre Company's staging has been rated by Stage Raw as a STAGE RAW TOP 10. “A fable with elements of magical realism, character humor and an absurdity infused with the savory flavors of Latino culture,” are some of the comments they give for recommending it.

Other critics have mentioned that it is exceptional, frightening and hilarious, as well as visually stunning and funny.


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