The Tacony Music Hall will host academic, social and artistic activities that revolve around the understanding and inclusion of different ways of exercising sexuality.
The Tacony Music Hall will host academic, social and artistic activities that revolve around the understanding and inclusion of different ways of exercising sexuality.

Sexual Alternatives have concerned a certain community

Collective seeks to open center in Northeast Philadelphia, where people and communities whose sexual practices are considered unconventional are welcome.


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Many in Tacony - Northeast Philadelphia - are concerned, not for a threat or something that resembles it, but for a community project that aims to become spearhead to overturn taboos that persist in Philadelphia on different ways of practicing, enjoying and understanding sex.

According to an article by, rumors about the eventual entry into operation of a dating house in the sector, has many people concerned about the true nature of the project.
The Tacony Music Hall, an 1885 building, is a community center for the opening, study, empowerment and gathering of people and communities considered marginal in the world of sexuality.

A place where those who have sexual interests considered unconventional or alternative can find not only information but an environment designed for the exploration and development of themes and practices that are usually treated in a low voice and behind closed doors, such as bondage or polyamory.

This is a Philly Music Hall idea, LLC, an organization dedicated to promote the inclusion of individuals and groups with unconventional or alternative sexual interests. And the concern of the community is that the place can become a dating house.

According to Deborah Rose Hinchey, a member of the collective at the head of the project and quoted in the article, it is a mistake to think that because their organization promotes the inclusion of other forms of living sexuality, the place will end up being a brothel. Asked by Tommy Rowan, author of the article, if there was sex in the place, she replied "If people wanted to develop some sexual practice in the place, safely and consented, I would prefer that they do it instead of continuing to reproduce a system where these communities are marginalized. "

Although many members of the community remain skeptical about the proposal, others quoted in the article said that a place like the one Philly Music Hall, LLC, intends to create will not change much the landscape of a street where prostitution and drug consumption already coexist. Those real problems that have not caught the eye.

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