Famed reality show resumes production and will air internationally, but not in the U.S.
Photo: Getty Images
Famed reality show resumes production and will air internationally, but not in the U.S.Photo: Getty Images

“COPS” was canceled, but a contract is keeping it alive

Paramount Network had reportedly dropped the show in the wake of civil unrest, but production started back up last week.


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Remember when the topic around performative activism was ablaze on social media? 

Networks took to their platforms to announce their solidarity, and show their allegiance to the Black community, canceling shows, pulling episodes that demonstrated Black face, and donated to organizations, all to save face for their company.

One program, in particular, COPS — a long-standing show that was on its way to its 33rd season — was canceled amid the protests due to police brutality and racial injustice after the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis on May 25. 

As people have slowly put away their Black Lives Matter signs, and the news has turned away from the civil unrest, television networks like Paramount have resumed their systemic racism by resuming production for a show that is in the business of stereotyping. 

However, it is reported that the new episodes will exclusively air internationally, and not in the U.S. Production is underway in Spokane Washington where it’s been filmed in the past. 

According to the press release from Oct. 7 by Spokane County Sheriff’s Office, they have a ‘longstanding relationship’ with Langley productions and are are ‘pleased’ that the crew has returned to “highlight the outstanding work our Deputies provide to all of you,” adding “they show the hard work and professionalism of law enforcement, despite what some anti-law enforcement activists and those in the media want you to believe.”

An investigation conducted by NBC, titled ‘How Real is Cops?” says otherwise. Studies found most of what is displayed in the show is not accurate, making crimes seem much greater than they are. The program also displays only 58% of what cops do, and according to the findings, it’s only 17% in real life.


After Paramount made the announcement canceling the show, the spokesperson told Fox Business, COPS was not on the Paramount Network and they “don’t have any current or future plans for it to return.” That turned out to be a lie by way of contracting.

On the upside, the filming is reportedly solely being completed due to strict international television contract agreements that the company cannot back out of.


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