What is the April Pink Moon?
The pink moon is a phenomenon that takes place once a year during the fourth month of the year.
According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the nights of April 15 and 16 were the nights of the Pink Moon in 2022, a phenomenon where you can see a bright full moon.
This phenomenon gets the name Pink Moon not because the moon is observed with a pink hue, but because of the blooming of the wild flower Phlox. Also known as Pink Moss, it is a plant native to North America. The full moon marks the beginning of its growth of the flower which begins to bloom from early Summer to mid-fall.
The Pink Moon will be at a geocentric distance of 370,225 km (a little more than 230,000 miles) from Earth, with an angular size of the satellite of 32.2 arc minutes.
In addition to its stunning appearance and closeness to planet Earth, the April supermoon also marks important religious and holiday festivities around the world.
Easter is the first Sunday after the full moon, which coincides with the Spring/Autumn equinox (when the length of daylight is the same as the length of night, except at the poles).
Hindus also celebrate the birth of the monkey god Hanuman in a festival called Hanuman Jayanti.