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Barcelona debates how to better use its time

Time Use Week seeks initiatives to improve life through the better use of time


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How many of our problems have to do with lack of time? This week, Barcelona kicks off Time Use Week, a congress that discusses how time affects our health and well-being and seeks proposals to live better. The institutions participate with the objective of promoting time policies that improve the lives of citizens.

Cities present an increasing challenge: lack of time. Strategic parts of people's lives, such as care, child and adolescent care or mental health itself are aspects that need time. However, work, commuting or everyday shopping often leave us without that valuable time.

It is something that especially affects women.

"Catalonia must take advantage of the opportunity to be a world reference for the right to time," said the Minister of Equality Tània Verge. She wants gender equality to be key in the policies that are implemented. From the City Council, the Councilor for Social Rights Laura Pérez, believes it is necessary to reduce the "poverty of time" that makes life more difficult for women.

The congress is an opportunity to talk about time use policies and that Barcelona can become a benchmark for a healthy, equitable, but also productive life. Several studies indicate that the four-day shift is as competitive as the five-day shift and leaves employees much more free time.

Seven hundred and fifty experts are participating in this year's Time Use Week to show and share progress. The idea is to connect decision-makers with concrete policies to implement. The four-day shift or the right to digitally disconnect from work when leaving the office is about to arrive.


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