Photo: El Tequileno
Photo: El Tequileño

It is National Tequila Day Friends!

July 24 was declared national tequila day, and to celebrate El Tequileno shared with us some goodies!


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¡No se habla español!

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National Tequila Day originated from Americans, because of America.

It is celebrated every July 24!

Some history: tequila dates back to the mesoamerican times around 1000 B.C., when indigenous Mexican tribes would often harvest and ferment agave. It was not until 16th Century A.D. that the tequila we know and love today would first be produced in a land that was not officially known as Tequila until 1666. 

Though the tequila trajectory is well-documented, the history of National Tequila Day is not. There is not much to be found about what or who originated the holiday, or why its takes place at the peak of summer. Needless to say, it takes place on a summer day, and the Mexican Senate ruled in 2018 that they would include a National Tequila Day as well, on the third Saturday of March. 

El Tequileño, a tequila brand that is made in Tequila, Jalisco, taught us in honor of the national holiday how to make batanga, a Mexican cocktail.


It is made with traditional Mexican Coca-Cola, two limes, Tequileño Blanco Tequila, in a tall glass served over ice!



Pour the tequila:



Mix it all together:


And just like that, you have your own Batanga!

Just remember, if you are planning to enjoy National Tequila Day (COVID-19 compliant) please be safe and don’t drink and drive.

Otherwise, Brindis!


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