"She Se Puede" was formed for Latinas to recognize and practice the power they possess. Photo: Getty Images
"She Se Puede" was formed for Latinas to recognize and practice the power they possess. Photo: Getty Images

America Ferrera and Eva Longoria launch "She Se Puede," A Digital Platform For Latinas

For Latinas, By Latinas


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Latina leaders, including America Ferrea and Eva Longoria Bastón teamed-up on Aug. 31 to launch “She Se Puede,” a digital lifestyle community geared towards empowering Latinas for transformative action.

It’s a nonprofit initiative said to, “inspire, affirm, and inform Latinas so they can leverage their power to transform their lives, their families, their community and their nation.” 

The Latino demographic is projected to be the largest non-white voting demographic eligible to vote in the 2020 presidential election. Latinos are slowly realizing their own power and the tremendous impact their voices can bring to the election, especially on pivotal down-ballot races.

“This election year, everyone is reminded of the Latino population numbers and how fast we are growing as a community. But let’s be clear: demography is not destiny.” said activist and TV star America Ferrera. “Unless and until we believe in our own potential  and realize our own power, we will remain underrepresented as a political and cultural force.”

A force indeed.

She Se Puede’s Latina founders range from activists and CEOs to campaign strategists and researchers paving the way specifically for the Latinx community and Latina advocacy.

2020 is expected to be the year Latinx voters make a decisive mark on national elections, and Latinas play an extensive role in this. 

“The role that Latinas play in our communities and our families, they’re our matriarchs, they’re the glue that holds our families and our communities together,” wrote Stephnie Valencia, co-founder and president of Equis Labs — and now also co founder of "She Se Puede". 

A 2018 Pew Research study found Latina women are more dissatisfied with the way things are going in the country compared to men, with 73% of Latinas backing Democratic candidates.

“Welcome to @She_SePuede,” announced Eva Longoria Bastón on Twitter. “A new destination for the modern Latina.”

“She Se Puede! Together with mis hermanas we’ve created [She Se Puede], a new digital lifestyle community that inspires affairs, and informs Latinas to leverage our power in a way that transforms our lives, families and community. Mujeres, this is for you.” Longoria-Bastón wrote. 

Bottom line, take away the star power and the big-name leaders, and She Se Puede is still a community with a mission: That Latinas have the power to change this country for the better.


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