Photo: Getty Images
No one alive today saw the last 'Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn. Photo: Getty Images

Everything you need to know about 'The Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn

The astronomical phenomenon has not occurred for 800 years and social media is having a field day of conspiracies.


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The faithful followers of the celestial maps, whether astronomers or amateurs, know about the strange conjunctions that occur at the end of the year and were probably the origin of the pagan rites that began to mark those dates as special days. Before it's asked, yes a conjunction is happening at the end of 2020, but it's not just any conjunction. This year's conjunction is the 'Great Conjunction' of Jupiter and Saturn.

When both gas giants overlap completely from Dec. 16 to Dec. 21, observers will be able to see a "double planet" that has not been recorded since the 13th century, where Saturn's rings and Jupiter's belts visually merge. Dr. Hernando Guarin, professor of astronomy at the Universidad del Valle and director of the Colombian Astronomy Network, told the BBC that the rare event is "an early Christmas present for astronomy fans" because both planets are considered the "kings of observation."

The phenomenon may be observed with the human eye in very good weather conditions, such as clear skies and in the absence of clouds or buildings. However, to enjoy the conjunction in all its glory, a telescope or a visit to an observatory is in order. One's proximity to Ecuador is also crucial for visibility. 

The alignment is especially particular because of the very different solar orbit cycles both planets have — 30 Earth years in the case of Saturn and 12 Earth years in the case of Jupiter. There are scientific disagreements as to whether the last time mankind witnessed such a close alignment was in July 1623 or March 1226. What seems much more certain is that we will have to wait until March 2080 and then until 2400 to be able to appreciate such an alignment again.


The planets will share a luminosity and electrical effects until the end of the year. The celestial sharing is interpreted by some, more Thelemic, as a sign of the future that awaits us in 2021 and the global pandemic. 

Whenever great changes take place, as in the last century with the the shift from the aeon of Horus to the aeon of Aquarius, many rush to the sky in search of signs. Therefore, it is not strange that places like YouTube have been filled with interpreters of the upcoming celestial phenomenon.

Be that as it may, and regardless of possible and probable interpretations, it is clear that this year is not anodyne as far as celestil phenomena are concerned. In a few weeks, on Dec. 14, fans will also be able to observe a solar eclipse that will be especially visible in the area around Patagonia. This, together with the 'Great Conjunction,' is interpreted by many as a sign of change. 


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