Donald Trump has irritated the Beijing government with his Twitter accusations of China 'stealing' a U.S drone in the South China Sea and establishing direct contact with Taiwan. EFE/Ritchie B. Tongo

Rumours in China: Trump Has No Idea How to Run a Superpower


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The Chinese Media (controlled by the Communist party) have reached the conclusion that Donald Trump is not behaving as a politician that will come the next president of the U.S.

“He bears no sense of how to lead a superpower.”, published the nationalist Global Times, one of the newspapers run by the Chinese government. 

The article came after the US president-elect provoking accusations against China this weekend. Trump used Twitter to dismiss China for "stealing" a U.S. research drone in international waters, in the South China Sea.  

Two weeks ago, the President-elect also irritated Beijing for holding a direct phone call with the Taiwanese president, Tsai Ing-wen, and threat to upend long-standing US policy on Taiwan.

On Friday, President Obama cautioned Trump against allowing relations with China slip into “full conflict mode”.

As reported in The Guardian.