The republican candidate for president of the United States, Donald Trump. EFE

[OP-ED]: The biggest sale in the history of the United States is taking place today!


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Over the last year a monumental sale has been taking place across this country. Donald Trump has been using his sales skills and is selling the American public a bill of goods. His salesmanship is anchored on overselling his product—himself—to the American public by leveraging fear, uncertainty, and doubt. It is these tactics that have placed him at the forefront of winning the Presidential Office.

Fear: Trump has created fear among the American population by identifying Latinos as rapist and murderers. He has similarly stated that Muslims are terrorists. His sales pitch, has instilled fear in the American public. 

Uncertainty: Trump has further founded uncertainty as the future, leveraging history as his baseline. He has created a heightened level of uncertainty related to healthcare, economy, middle class, and the future of our communities of color. 

Doubt: Trump has consistently attacked our democratic leadership and promises more of the same if Hillary Clinton is voted into the White House. He has created doubt by simply asking whether things will change. His sales pitch is simple, “What have you got to lose?” 

Who is buying the Trump product? It is the uneducated white American, the individual whose mind has not been liberated through education. It is the bigoted population whose communities have never let go of their ethnocentric superiority values. Unfortunately, some of our minority communities have fallen prey to his sale of fear, uncertainty, and doubt. 

What is Trump getting? By instilling fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the American public, his bill of goods is frightening near becoming a reality. Because of “the biggest sale in the history of the U.S.,” Donald Trump, the most inexperienced individual, gets to sit in the most prestigious American office.  He has convinced the American public his product is the best product to buy. He is right where he wants to be, in a position to economically and politically line his and his friends’ pockets with economic and political capital. 

What bill of goods is the American public getting? The product being sold is Donald Trump, a politically inexperienced individual. His product, which possesses little to no understanding of how the government works/operates for the betterment of all Americans, will:

  • Decimate our economy by isolating our country in a global market;
  • Erode the middle class as he drives increased benefits to the wealthy; 
  • Provide his following the voice to promote racism and bigotry; 
  • Divide rather than unify a country strengthened by the intellect and courage of all Americans;
  • Take our civil rights back into the darkest era of our country’s history;
  • Erode women’s rights; 
  • Engage in the active violation of human rights; 
  • Politically isolate our country from the rest of the rest of the world thereby creating vulnerabilities unknown to America; and,
  • Entitle himself to treat women with outrageous disrespect.

This is the product he is selling and many are buying! Imagine a world where we, the United States of America, are standing alone and divided within.