Photo: Gage Skidmore via Flickr

Ted Cruz echoes his opponents' call to end birthright citizenship


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Sen. Ted Cruz has hopped on board with amending the 14th amendment to end birthright citizenship.

In an interview on Michael Medved's radio show Wednesday, he said he was "absolutely" in favor of "ending granting automatic birthright citizenship to the children of those who are here illegally."

Cruz claims that this has been his position "from the very first day of [his] running for senate," but AL DIA could find neither news nor campaign reports from Cruz's 2011 senatorial run to confirm or deny the statement.

Cruz, the Canadian-born son of a Cuban immigrant, has come out guns blazing to stay competitive in a crowded Republican primary. Since the killing of Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco by an undocumented Mexican national, immigration reform has become a punching back for the GOP, targeting everything from sanctuary cities to border patrol policies. Cruz isn't the first of his opponents to take this latest stance either. Gov. Bobby Jindal, nuerosurgeon Ben Carson, and Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) already proposed stripping jus soli rights for children with undocumented parents. 

Still, business mogul Donald Trump leads in almost every available poll. In his latest immigration policy paper, he proposed ended birthright citizenship as well as building a complete wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, paid for by the Mexican government.