Artists join forces in name of #Not1More

Artists join forces in name of #Not1More


¿Cuáles son las preocupacion

Protección Temporal

La economía está estancada

Buenas noticias empresarios

Adiós a un 'problem solver'

Combatiendo la adicción

Un problema sin vencimiento

Cultura latina dividida


Artists Ernesto Yerena and Shepard Fairy joined creative forces to produce an artwork that pays homage to immigrants in name of #Not1more deportation. The artists also partnered with the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON) to gather funds for the organization by selling signed copies of the poster.

According to Pablo Alvarado, the executive director of NDLON, the image is “a repudiation of the idea that migrants can be divided into arbitrary and unequal ‘deserving’ and ‘undeserving’ categories where some immigrants get rights at the expense of others.”

“Instead, the image is an affirmation of our ultimate goal: to achieve a world without deportations and without inequality. And above all, it's a testament to immigrants who courageously struggle for their rights,” Alvarado said.

The organization is also urging artists to submit and share works that call for #Not1More deportation and #Not1more day without equality.

“Even as discourse in Washington sours and returns to the familiar vilification and scapegoating of immigrants, we will respond with beautiful expressions of resistance,” Alvarado said.  

Anyone interested in sharing their creative work can send the images to [email protected]