Subway to remove chemical from bread


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Subway, the popular food chain that claims to provide healthier meal options,  plans to remove a "toxic" and "flammable" chemical from its sandwich breads. 

Vani Hari, food blogger and creator of, launched a petition for Subway to remove the chemical called Azodicarbonamide. Hari noted the chemical is used in yoga mats, shoes, and synthetic leather to increase elasticity. In bread, its used as a bleaching agent and "dough conditioner"

The petition received over 60,ooo signatures urging Subway to change their bread ingredients. She also posted a video explaining why Azodicabonamide is "unsafe to eat."

 "The chemical is linked to allergies, asthma and respiratory issues. Its also toxic and flammable, does that sound like eating fresh," she said. Hari also revealed that Azodicarbonamide is banned in the UK, Austrailia, and Europe.

Other food companies such as Sara Lee and Stroehmann, use the food additive in their breads as well.

Hari focused on Subway because of their image boasting "fresh" and "nutritious" sandwiches. 

"I'd like to note that current Subway sandwiches still have this ingredient," she said to USA Today, "I urge everyone not to eat their sandwich bread until they have finally removed the chemical."