In 22 states, no Latinas in AP computer science


Legado preservado

Afro-Latinas en academia

Ciencia de decisisiones

De McDonald's a Goldman




Last year, 30,000 students across the country took the first level of the Advanced Placement (AP) computer science test. In 22 states, there were no Latina students. In eight there were no Latinos altogether.

Barbara Ericson, Director of Computing Outreach at Georgia Tech, compiled the number of AP Computer Science test-takers by race and gender for each state. The numbers show that advanced computer science education remains dominated by white males. Just 1.1 percent of all AP computer science test-takers are Latina. 

AP computer science is offered in 2253 schools across the country. Last year, nearly 30,000 students took the AP computer science test and 19,760 passed, becoming eligible for a range of opportunities including entry into college programs, scholarships and college credit. 

Last October, Eileen Pollack, a creative writing professor at the University of Michigan, wrote an article for the New York Times on how women are discouraged by societal stereotypes and sexism when entering male-dominated science, technology, engineering and math fields, citing studies that show discrimination on hiring and pay in academia.