A woman will be featured on the $10 bill

A woman will be featured on the $10 bill

We will have to wait five more years, but in 2020 we’ll be able to pay with a $10 bill which will have the face of a woman on it. Who? It has yet to be decided.


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Every time you have a $1 bill on your hands you are holding a portrait of President George Washington. Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln are the faces of $2 and $5 bills, in case you didn’t know it. The 7th US President Andrew Jackson shows his face on $20 bill and Ulysses S. Grant on the $50. And one of America’s founding fathers, Benjamin Franklin, has his portrait on the $100 bill.

At this point, if you didn’t wonder before, you might be asking why all of them have to be men, especially when the history of the country is full of remarkable women.

The non-profit organization “Women on 20s” asked the same question a few months ago, when it decided to launch a petition to demand the inclusion of a woman in US currency by 2020 — the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th amendment which gave women the right to vote. The organization even conducted a poll and the winner was abolitionist Harriet Tubman.

A few months later, the organization’s prayers have been answered by U.S. Treasury. Kind of.

Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew made the announcement on Wednesday that the department has decided to redesign the $10 bill, changing the first U.S. Secretary of the Treasury — Alexander Hamilton — for a "a woman who was a champion for our inclusive democracy,” Lew said.  

The Treasury hasn’t decided yet which woman will be depicted on the bill. But the department wants to hear Americans’ opinions. So, it created the website and is encouraging citizens to share their thoughts on the matter,  tagged with the hashtag #TheNew10. At the same time, during the summer, members of the Treasury will host meetings and roundtables to collect input. The final decision will be made by the Treasury Secretary.

The selection will be announced later this year, but the process of redesign takes time. Americans will have to wait several years to see the final $10 bill design. The new $10 bills will enter in circulation in 2020.


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