El "error político" de McCain con Sotomayor


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Reverendo Miguel Rivera, presidente de CONLAMIC.


"No apoyar a Sotomayor es un error político” de Jonh McCain, consideró la agrupación nacional evangélica CONLAMIC.

En carta enviada por su presidente, el reverendo Miguel Rivera, CONLAMIC señaló a quien fuera candidato presidencial republicano en las pasadas elecciones que era un error no votar por Sotomayor, quien fue nominada por el presidente Barack Obama al Tribunal Supremo.

Señala que la decisión de McCain “pone en riesgo lo que hubiera podido ser una gran oportunidad para incrementar la lealtad de aquellos votantes hispanos que buscan liderazgo en asuntos que son realmente importantes para ellos, y que relevan en el apoyo a funcionarios electos”.

El senador republicano dijo que votará en contra de la jueza hispana para un cargo vitalicio en el Tribunal Supremo de EEUU, porque teme que ésta llevará su "activismo" político al estrado.

Sotomayor, de 55 años, ya recibió el visto bueno del Comité Judicial del Senado la semana pasada y se prevé que el pleno del Senado someta su nombramiento a votación antes del receso legislativo que comienza el 7 de agosto próximo.


Honorable John McCain


Russell Building

Washington, D.C.

RE: Judge Sonia Sotomayor

Dear Senator McCain;

Greetings in the Name of the LORD and be assured always of our Prayers.

The main intent of my letter, is to convey a message to (what many latino evangelical pastors know and myself), a true friend of the latino community.

As conservative leaders, we both understand the immediate need of "straight talk advocacy", to address and provide counter arguments, against those who do not respect our traditional social values and moral tenets.

Judge Sonia Sotomayor has demonstrated as per her judicial tract record, to be sufficiently independent and a profound believer of judicial precedent.

Taking into consideration that Judge Sotomayor is the first choice nominee, selected by President Barack H. Obama, is to some of us (conservative hispanic advocates) an excellent (lucky) nomination.

Further more, Judge Sotomayor represents a vital and undeniable opportunity for America, to teach and demonstrate to the world, the true meaning of the morality behind the  "accomplishment of the american dream".

For many, been a "latina", even when her academic, professional and judicial experience exceeds all expectations, resonates as of today on many minds; "its not enough nor yet the time".

As for myself, knowing you Senator McCain as a true fiscal conservative and an independent advocate on behalf of, what is the right and the moral thing to do, your decision not to support Judge Sotomayor is a "political mistake".

Thousands of latino constituents in Arizona and the hispanic community around the Nation, knows for sure that "fairness and sound judgment", precedes always your impeccable political reputation.

Furthermore, social conservative latinos are always pursuing to understand the complexity of a bipartisan political scenario, where the power of swing votes, is the best characterization of what political empowerment means.

You are known as a principled leader who has raised hope among latino voters and continues to do so.

A decision not to support Judge Sotomayor's nomination jeopardize what could have been a tremendous opportunity to increase the loyalty of those hispanic conservative constituents who are looking for leadership around the issues that are truly important for them and further relay them to support conservative elected officials.

Without any doubt, your Republican colleagues have demonstrated high judicial senatorial integrity, while extending Judge Sotomayor a, "yes or no" vote. Democrats did not extend the same fate to Miguel Estrada.

But, as a friend and supporter I convey these honest words and bring attention to this opportunity that lies before you to rebuilt a strong relationship among latinos around the Nation.

It is my most sincere request, to ask you (as a friend and supporter) to re-consider the nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Very Truly Yours;

Reverend Miguel Rivera

Chairman Board of Directors


CONLAMIC Legal Defense Fund


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